last update: 10/02/2018
Neighborhood Improvement Program 2018 - Lighting and Fountains (04/2018)
The NHNPA proposed additional, solar-powered lighting on the Chuch-Heinrich jogging path and water fountains at the Chuck-Heinrich parking lot.
See [Application with details]
El Paso Electric Rate Increase (05/2017)
Information about the second proposed El Paso Electric rate increase and solar power alternative programs.
(Provided by
Please see:
- Community Facts to Fight El Paso Electric Rate Increase
- Eco El Paso – Sustainability in the hot-and-arid climate Information Flyer
- Presentation, given to the neighborhood association at the April 2017 monthly meeting, providing key information about the EPE rate increase and competitive solar energy alternatives.
- Consider writing letters to the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) and Office of Public Utility Counsel (OPUC) to file a complaint about the El Paso Electric (EPE) Rate Increase.
- Two identical letters will need to be sent, one to the PUC and one to the OPUC. The letters need to be filed as mailed letters, e-mails will not be accepted.
- Two letter assistants are available, providing editable text-segments for easier and faster letter composition. Please edit the content to match your individual case and/or argument.
You may choose to send the letter yourself or have it letter sent by volunteer on your behalf:
El Paso Electric Rate Case Complaint Letter Assistant (PUC version)
El Paso Electric Rate Case Complaint Letter Assistant (OPUC version)
- The mailing addresses of PUC and OPUC are included in either Letter Assistant header (if you choose to self-mail).
Neighborhood Improvement Project 2014 - Park Benches (06/2014)
Chuck Heinrich Park Sidewalk (??/????)
Improvements to Police Memorial (??/????)