last update: 07/26/2019



  • TxDOT Compaint Form (for non-city streets or issues)
    USE: [https://www.txdot.gov/contact-us/form.html?id=]
    See also the [Complaint Resolution Process] 
  • 3-1-1 <= click from cellphone to dial
    City of El Paso - General Info and Service Request Number; e.g. for code violations, street maintenance, trash can replacements, general information
    See website for more information [here]
    See also ESD Application for [iPhone] or [Android]
  • Neighborhood Emergency Response Plan (NERP)
    A guide to creating your neighborhood emergency plan, provided by the El Paso City/County Office of Emergency Management.
    Please see/download document [here]

    OTTER.AI - Application: Audio Transcription Tool
    Automatically record meeting or dictation transcripts in editable plain text format.
    Visit [Website]
    Download Application for [iPhone] or [Android]

    TEXTSCAN OCR - Application: Image Transcription Tool
    Create transcripts from photos, flyers, and print-outs in editable plain text format.
    Download Application for [iPhone] or [Android]

    SPEAK TEXT - Web Tool: Read copied text out loud
    Copy and paste text into text-box to have text read back to you, for proofing or lengthy text reading.
    This is not an application, it's a web tool, a simple web page. Consider bookmarking.
    Visit/Bookmark [Speak Text]

    VOICE-TO-TEXT HELPER - Web Tool: A Hearing Impaired Aide Tool
    Helpful for dealing with deaf or hearing impaired people. Speak message into phone and show dictation to recipient. Double-Click text to clear and repeat.
    This is not an application, it's a web tool, a simple web page. Consider creation of screen icon (browser shortcut).
    Visit/Bookmark [Voice-To-Text Helper]

    PUNCH PAD - Web Tool: Create list of buttons to quickly check and un-check repetitive items and tasks
    Useful for shopping lists and task lists (e.g. check-lists). Create copies of this application on a local device, for individual purposes.
    This is not an application, it's a web tool, a simple web page. Consider making copies on local device (blue button, next to title), and creation of screen icon (browser shortcut).
    NOTE: This tool does NOT store or share information over the Internet, all instances run individually on their own device. Data must be exported and imported for sharing.
    Visit/Copy [Punchpad]